小编按语: 大受欢迎的英语角在半年的阔别后,又在新微信号中和大家见面啦!!!我们将会不定期的更新各类中英对照版中医药学方面的知识,欢迎中内外小伙伴持续关注我们的官方微信――“上海中医药博物馆”。 今天我们给大家介绍的是人体“三宝”――精气神。
精・气・神 Essence, qiand spirit In traditional Chinese medicine, the essence, qi and spirit are considered the “three treasures” of the human body. The essence can be classified as congenital essence and acquired essence, working on reproduction, growth and nurturing. Qi is the essential substance of human body, while spirit is the manifestation and dominator of the vital activities of human thinking and consciousness. Although they are three different treasures, the essence, qi and spirit can never be separated, for essence can transform into qi, qi can transform into essence and the two can transform into each other; and essence and qi can generate and nurture spirit and the spirit dominates essence and qi. Actually such ancient philosophical concepts as yin,yang, five elements, essence, qi and spirit have existed long before the formation of traditional Chinese medicine and later become the core of TCM theory after they penetrated into medical field. 译文: 在中医学里,精、气、神被视为人体“三宝”。精,有先天、后天两类,具有生殖、生长和滋养作用。气是构成人体的基本物质。神则是人的精神、意识等生命活动的集中表现和主宰。精气神三者可分而不可离,精可化气,气可化精,精气互化,精气生神,精气养神,而神则统驭精与气。阴阳五行、精气神等古代哲学概念,都产生于中医学形成之前,这些概念渗透进医学领域后,便成为中医理论的核心部分。
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