中医理论的基础――《黄帝内经》 “Yellow Emperor (Huang-di)’s Internal Classic” The “Yellow Emperor (Huang-di)’s Internal Classic” is the earliest classic with overall systemic elaboration on the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine. Actually, it symbolizes the preliminary establishment as well as a new development stage of essential theory of traditional Chinese medicine, indicating a transition of traditional Chinese medicine from simple experience accumulation to systemic theoretical generalization. The “Yellow Emperor (Huang-di)’s Internal Classic”includes two parts: “Ling Shu (miraculous pivot)” and “Su Wen(the plain questions)” combining altogether to form 18 volumes. The essential ideas including holistic thought, yin-yang balance, the struggle betweenanti-pathogenic qi & pathogenic factors, and an emphasis more on prevention over treatment are all covered in this book, working as the theoretical guidance and evidence for the development of traditional Chinese medicine. 译文: 《黄帝内经》是现存最早、比较全面系统阐述中医学理论体系的古典医学巨著。它的问世表明中医学基本理论初步确立,并发展到一个新阶段,显示中医学已由单纯的经验积累上升到系统的理论总结。 《黄帝内经》包括《灵枢》和《素问》两部分,共十八卷,提出了整体观念、阴阳平衡、邪正斗争和防重于治等基本观点,为中医学的发展提供了理论指导和依据。
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