历代名家――葛洪 GE-Hong GE-Hong,also called Bao Pu Zi by himself, an outstanding alchemist and physician in the eastern Jin dynasty. Influenced by the Taoism, the alchemy is quite popular in Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties, for people want long lives. Despite the goal of making “elixir” for immortality, GE-Hong’s engagement in alchemy objectively promoted the starting of ancient Chinese pharmaceutical chemistry. The book “Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang (A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies)” is a monograph on emergency written by GE-Hong.The treatment of malaria with Qing Hao (Artemisiae) was also recorded in this book.Tu Youyou, who received the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine,got inspiration from this book. 译文: 葛洪,东晋著名炼丹家和医学家,自号抱朴(BU)子。魏晋南北朝时期,受道教影响,人们为追求长生不老,炼制丹药十分盛行。 葛洪等从事炼丹的目的,虽然是为了炼制“长生不老药”,但在客观上促进了中国古代制药化学的开端。 《肘后备急方》,是葛洪撰写的关于急救方面的专著。书中还有青蒿治疗疟疾的记载。2015年诺贝尔医学家得主屠呦呦正是从这本书中得到启发。 更有各类精彩活动将在本公众号提前预告,欢迎大家搜索“上海中医药博物馆”或直接扫描下方二维码关注博物馆官方公众号!
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