【小讲堂】中医英语角系列 English Corner



SUN Si-miao

SUN Si-miao, an outstanding herbalist from Jing Zhao Hua Yuan (Yao County in Shan’xi Province) in Tang dynasty, is named as the “Medicinal King” by the later generations and died at 102. He considers that “the human life is more valuable than Qian Jin (a thousand gold); and the virtue of a doctor is to save peoples’ lives with his prescriptions”, and as a result, he named his masterpiece as “Qian Jin Fang (the Essential prescriptions worth a thousand gold)”, including “Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang (Prescriptions worth a thousand gold for emergencies)” and “Qian Jin Yi Fang (A supplement to the essential prescriptions worth a thousand gold). This book involves clinical subspecialties and formulas and generalizes the medical achievements before Tang dynasty in an overall and systematic way and it is regarded as the most representative and most influential great medical work in early Tang dynasty. In addition, SUN Si-miao drafted the “Dedication oath of doctors” (very similar to Hippocratic Oath) for the first time and elaborated the ethical codes for the doctors to follow.


孙思邈是唐代杰出的医药学家,被后世称为“药王” ,京兆华原人,享年102岁。他认为“人命至重,有贵千金,一方济之,德逾于此”,因而他将自己的著作命名为《千金方》,包括《备急千金要方》和《千金翼方》,内容涉及临床各科及方药,全面系统总结唐以前医学成就,是唐初最有代表性、对后世影响最大的医学巨著。孙思邈十分注重医德,首创“大医精诚”,开宗明义地提倡为医者必须要有医德,要发扬救死扶伤的人道主义精神。进而论述“大医”修养的两个方面:“精”与“诚”。“精”,指专业熟练;“诚”,指品德高尚。就是说,为医者必须医术精湛,医德高尚,全面论述医生所应恪守的道德准绳。
